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Westeros Map Seven Kingdoms

Written by Ban Javo Mar 17, 2023 ยท 4 min read
Westeros Map Seven Kingdoms

Westeros is a land of seven kingdoms that are ruled by different houses. These kingdoms are the North, the Iron Islands, the Vale, the Riverlands, the Westerlands, the Reach, and Dorne. Each kingdom has its own unique culture, traditions, and history.

Table of Contents

Seven Kingdoms Game Of Thrones Map Of Westeros / Why is it called the 7
Seven Kingdoms Game Of Thrones Map Of Westeros / Why is it called the 7 from

The Seven Kingdoms

Westeros is a land of seven kingdoms that are ruled by different houses. These kingdoms are the North, the Iron Islands, the Vale, the Riverlands, the Westerlands, the Reach, and Dorne. Each kingdom has its own unique culture, traditions, and history.

The North

The North is the largest kingdom and is ruled by House Stark. It is known for its harsh winters, and the people of the North are tough and resilient. The Stark family is known for their honor and loyalty, and they are respected throughout Westeros.

The Iron Islands

The Iron Islands are located off the western coast of Westeros, and they are ruled by House Greyjoy. The Ironborn are known for their seafaring skills and their love of raiding and pillaging. They follow a religion that worships the Drowned God.

The Vale

The Vale is a mountainous kingdom that is ruled by House Arryn. The people of the Vale are known for their chivalry and their skill in battle. The Vale is also home to the Eyrie, a castle that is perched on a high mountain peak.

The Riverlands

The Riverlands are located in the center of Westeros, and they are ruled by House Tully. The Riverlands are known for their fertile land and their strategic location. The Tully family is known for their loyalty to the Starks.

The Westerlands

The Westerlands are located in the western part of Westeros, and they are ruled by House Lannister. The Lannisters are one of the wealthiest families in Westeros, and they are known for their cunning and ambition. The Westerlands are also home to the Casterly Rock, a castle built into a mountain.

The Reach

The Reach is located in the southern part of Westeros, and it is ruled by House Tyrell. The Reach is known for its fertile land and its bountiful harvests. The Tyrell family is known for their political savvy and their ability to manipulate others.


Dorne is located in the southernmost part of Westeros, and it is ruled by House Martell. The people of Dorne are known for their independence and their fierce loyalty to their family. The Martells are also known for their love of exotic foods and their unique customs.

Question and Answer

Q: How many kingdoms are there in Westeros?

A: There are seven kingdoms in Westeros.

Q: Who rules the North?

A: The North is ruled by House Stark.

Q: What is the religion of the Ironborn?

A: The Ironborn worship the Drowned God.

Q: Who rules the Vale?

A: The Vale is ruled by House Arryn.

Q: What is the Eyrie?

A: The Eyrie is a castle that is perched on a high mountain peak.

Q: Who rules the Riverlands?

A: The Riverlands are ruled by House Tully.

Q: Who rules the Westerlands?

A: The Westerlands are ruled by House Lannister.

Q: Who rules the Reach?

A: The Reach is ruled by House Tyrell.

Q: Who rules Dorne?

A: Dorne is ruled by House Martell.

Exploring the Seven Kingdoms

Each of the seven kingdoms has its own unique history and culture, and there are many interesting places to visit in each kingdom. In the North, you can visit Winterfell, the ancestral home of House Stark. In the Iron Islands, you can visit Pyke, the seat of House Greyjoy. In the Vale, you can visit the Eyrie and marvel at its stunning views. In the Riverlands, you can visit Riverrun, the seat of House Tully. In the Westerlands, you can visit Casterly Rock and see the wealth of House Lannister. In the Reach, you can visit Highgarden, the seat of House Tyrell. And in Dorne, you can visit Sunspear, the seat of House Martell.

Each kingdom also has its own unique foods, customs, and traditions. In the North, you can try the famous dish of "roast aurochs" and witness the tradition of the "First Night". In the Iron Islands, you can try the "black bread" and witness the tradition of "the drowning". In the Vale, you can try the "lemon cakes" and witness the tradition of "the tourney". In the Riverlands, you can try the "lamprey pie" and witness the tradition of "the red wedding". In the Westerlands, you can try the "Lamprey pie" and witness the tradition of "the reigns of castamere". In the Reach, you can try the "peaches" and witness the tradition of "the rose road". And in Dorne, you can try the "spicy foods" and witness the tradition of "the water gardens".


Exploring the seven kingdoms of Westeros is an adventure that is not to be missed. Each kingdom has its own unique history, culture, and traditions, and there are many interesting places to visit and things to see. Whether you are a fan of the books or the TV show, or you are just interested in learning more about this fascinating world, there is something for everyone in Westeros.

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