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Map Of Westeros By House

Written by Bon Juve Aug 20, 2022 ยท 5 min read
Map Of Westeros By House

Since the release of the hit TV series "Game of Thrones" in 2011, the fictional world of Westeros has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of viewers and readers worldwide. One of the most popular aspects of the show and the books it's based on is the intricate political landscape of Westeros, which is divided into several powerful houses. In this article, we will explore the map of Westeros by house and delve into the history and dynamics of each major house.

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Since the release of the hit TV series "Game of Thrones" in 2011, the fictional world of Westeros has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of viewers and readers worldwide. One of the most popular aspects of the show and the books it's based on is the intricate political landscape of Westeros, which is divided into several powerful houses. In this article, we will explore the map of Westeros by house and delve into the history and dynamics of each major house.

The Seven Kingdoms

Westeros is a continent divided into seven distinct regions, each ruled by a powerful lord or lady. These regions are known collectively as the Seven Kingdoms, and they are as follows:

The North

The North is the largest and most sparsely populated of the Seven Kingdoms, and it is ruled by House Stark of Winterfell. The Starks are known for their fierce loyalty and honor, and they are considered one of the noblest houses in all of Westeros. Their motto is "Winter is Coming," which reflects the harsh climate of their homeland and the constant threat of invasion from the wildlings and other enemies beyond the Wall.

The Vale

The Vale is a mountainous region located in the eastern part of Westeros, and it is ruled by House Arryn of the Eyrie. The Arryns are known for their isolationist policies and their obsession with maintaining their bloodline. They are also the guardians of the infamous Moon Door, a trapdoor that leads to a deadly drop from the top of the Eyrie.

The Riverlands

The Riverlands are a fertile region located in the center of Westeros, and they are ruled by House Tully of Riverrun. The Tullys are known for their military prowess and their close ties to House Stark. They were instrumental in the War of the Five Kings, which saw several houses vying for the Iron Throne.

The Iron Islands

The Iron Islands are a group of islands located off the west coast of Westeros, and they are ruled by House Greyjoy of Pyke. The Greyjoys are known for their seafaring skills and their brutal raids on the mainland. Their motto is "We Do Not Sow," which reflects their belief that they should take what they want by force rather than relying on agriculture or trade.

The Westerlands

The Westerlands are a rich and prosperous region located in the western part of Westeros, and they are ruled by House Lannister of Casterly Rock. The Lannisters are known for their wealth and their cunning, and they are considered one of the most powerful houses in Westeros. Their motto is "A Lannister Always Pays His Debts," which reflects their shrewd business practices and their willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain their power and influence.

The Reach

The Reach is a lush and fertile region located in the southern part of Westeros, and it is ruled by House Tyrell of Highgarden. The Tyrells are known for their wealth and their political savvy, and they are considered one of the most influential houses in Westeros. They were instrumental in the downfall of House Lannister, which had held the Iron Throne for several years.


Dorne is a hot and arid region located in the southern part of Westeros, and it is ruled by House Martell of Sunspear. The Martells are known for their fierce independence and their close ties to the people of Dorne. They are also known for their unique customs and traditions, which include the practice of sending out small raiding parties known as "sand snakes."

Questions and Answers

Q: Why is the map of Westeros by house important?

A: The map of Westeros by house is important because it helps us understand the complex political landscape of the world created by George R.R. Martin. By dividing the continent into several distinct regions, each ruled by a powerful house with its own unique customs and traditions, Martin has created a rich and detailed world that is both believable and engaging.

Q: What is the significance of each house's motto?

A: Each house's motto reflects its values and beliefs. For example, House Stark's motto "Winter is Coming" reflects the harsh climate of the North and the constant threat of danger. House Lannister's motto "A Lannister Always Pays His Debts" reflects their shrewd business practices and their willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain their power and influence. By understanding each house's motto, we can gain insight into their motivations and actions.

Q: What role do the houses play in the story?

A: The houses play a central role in the story of "Game of Thrones," as they are the primary players in the struggle for power and control over Westeros. Each house has its own agenda and alliances, and they are constantly jockeying for position and influence. The story is driven by the complex relationships between the houses, as well as by the larger forces at play, such as the White Walkers and the threat of invasion from across the sea.

Q: Who is the most powerful house in Westeros?

A: The most powerful house in Westeros is a matter of opinion, as each house has its own strengths and weaknesses. However, House Lannister is often considered to be one of the most powerful, due to their wealth, cunning, and political influence. Other strong houses include House Stark, House Tyrell, and House Martell.


The map of Westeros by house is a fascinating and complex topic that has captured the imaginations of millions of fans worldwide. By delving into the history and dynamics of each major house, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world created by George R.R. Martin and the intricate web of relationships and alliances that drive the story of "Game of Thrones." Whether you're a die-hard fan of the series or a casual viewer, the map of Westeros by house is a must-know topic for anyone interested in the world of Westeros.

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