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Map Of Russia Population

Written by Ben Javu Nov 14, 2022 · 3 min read
Map Of Russia Population

Located in northeastern Europe and northern Asia, Russia is the world's largest country in terms of land area. With a total population of over 144 million people, it is also the ninth most populous nation in the world. To better understand the distribution and density of Russia's population, we can look at its population map.

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Russia World Regional Geography
Russia World Regional Geography from

The Basics of Russia Population Map

Located in northeastern Europe and northern Asia, Russia is the world's largest country in terms of land area. With a total population of over 144 million people, it is also the ninth most populous nation in the world. To better understand the distribution and density of Russia's population, we can look at its population map.

The map of Russia population shows the distribution of people across its 85 federal subjects, which include 46 oblasts, 22 republics, 9 krais, 4 autonomous okrugs, 1 autonomous oblast, and 3 federal cities. The map also displays the population density of each region, which is measured in people per square kilometer.

Key Factors Affecting Russia's Population Map

Several factors have influenced the distribution and density of Russia's population over the years. One of the most significant factors is the country's climate, which is predominantly cold and inhospitable. This has led to the concentration of people in urban areas with milder weather conditions.

Another major factor is the country's history of migration and settlement. Throughout its history, Russia has experienced waves of migration from neighboring regions and countries, which have contributed to the diversification of its population and the establishment of new settlements.

The Impact of Economic and Social Factors on Russia's Population Map

In recent years, economic and social factors have also played a role in shaping Russia's population map. The country's economic growth and development have led to the rise of new urban centers, which have attracted people from rural areas.

At the same time, social factors such as education and healthcare have also influenced the distribution of Russia's population. Regions with better access to quality education and healthcare tend to have higher population densities, while those with lower levels of social development have lower densities.

Question and Answer Section

Q: What is the current population of Russia?

A: As of 2023, the estimated population of Russia is over 144 million people.

Q: What does the population map of Russia show?

A: The population map of Russia displays the distribution and density of people across its 85 federal subjects, including oblasts, republics, krais, autonomous okrugs, and federal cities.

Q: What factors have influenced the population map of Russia?

A: The population map of Russia has been shaped by several factors, including its climate, history of migration and settlement, and economic and social development.


Exploring the population map of Russia provides valuable insights into the country's distribution and density of people. It also highlights the various factors that have influenced the map over the years, including climate, migration, and economic and social development. Understanding these factors is essential for policymakers and researchers seeking to address the challenges and opportunities presented by Russia's population map in the years to come.

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