map .

C++ Map Usage Example

Written by Ban Javo Dec 31, 2022 ยท 2 min read
C++ Map Usage Example

std::map<key_type, value_type> map_name;

Table of Contents



C++ is a powerful programming language that offers a variety of data structures. One of the most useful data structures in C++ is the map. The map is an associative container that stores key-value pairs. In this article, we will discuss the usage of maps in C++ with an example.

What is a map?

A map is a collection of key-value pairs. The keys are unique, and each key is associated with a value. The map is implemented as a balanced binary search tree. This means that the elements in the map are always sorted.

How to use a map?

To use a map in C++, you need to include the header file. You can create a map by using the following syntax:

std::map map_name;

Here, key_type is the data type of the keys, and value_type is the data type of the values.


Let's take an example to understand the usage of maps in C++. Suppose we want to store the names and ages of a group of people. We can use a map to store this information. The name of each person will be the key, and the age will be the value.

std::map person_map;

Now, we can add the names and ages of people to the map as follows:

person_map["John"] = 25;

person_map["Mary"] = 30;

person_map["Peter"] = 20;

We can also access the values of the map using the keys:

int john_age = person_map["John"];

Advantages of using a map

Using a map in C++ has several advantages. First, it allows us to store key-value pairs in an organized manner. Second, it provides fast access to the values using the keys. Finally, it is easy to search and modify the values in the map.

Question and Answer

Q: Can we use any data type as a key in a map?

A: No, the keys in a map must be unique. Therefore, the data type of the keys must support the comparison operation.

Q: How are the elements in a map sorted?

A: The elements in a map are always sorted based on the keys.


In this article, we discussed the usage of maps in C++ with an example. We saw how to create a map and add elements to it. We also discussed the advantages of using a map in C++. By using maps, we can store key-value pairs in an organized manner and access the values using the keys.
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