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Asoiaf Map Of Westeros

Written by Bon Jeva Apr 07, 2023 · 4 min read
Asoiaf Map Of Westeros

George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) series has taken the world by storm. The books have been adapted into a hit television series, Game of Thrones, and have spawned a massive fan base. The world of ASOIAF is vast, with a rich history and a complex political landscape. One of the most important aspects of this world is the map of Westeros.

Table of Contents

Freakin’ Incredible Map of Westeros from ‘Game of Thrones
Freakin’ Incredible Map of Westeros from ‘Game of Thrones from

The World of ASOIAF

George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) series has taken the world by storm. The books have been adapted into a hit television series, Game of Thrones, and have spawned a massive fan base. The world of ASOIAF is vast, with a rich history and a complex political landscape. One of the most important aspects of this world is the map of Westeros.

The Map of Westeros

The map of Westeros is a sprawling, detailed depiction of the continent where the majority of the ASOIAF story takes place. It is a vital tool for understanding the geography of the world and the movements of the many characters who inhabit it. The map is divided into seven kingdoms, each with its own unique culture and history.

What is the Importance of the Map?

The map of Westeros is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps readers and viewers to understand the geography of the world. This is crucial when it comes to following the journeys of the characters, who often travel great distances. Additionally, the map helps to establish the political landscape of the world, with each kingdom vying for power and influence over the others.

How Accurate is the Map?

The map of Westeros is incredibly detailed, with every river, mountain range, and city accounted for. However, it is important to note that the map is not entirely accurate. George R.R. Martin has stated that he intentionally left some things vague, in order to allow readers and viewers to use their imaginations and fill in the gaps.

The Seven Kingdoms

The map of Westeros is divided into seven kingdoms, each with its own unique characteristics. These kingdoms are: The North, The Iron Islands, The Riverlands, The Vale of Arryn, The Westerlands, The Reach, and Dorne.

The North

The North is the largest of the seven kingdoms and is known for its harsh winters and rugged terrain. The Starks are the ruling family of the North, and Winterfell is their ancestral home.

The Iron Islands

The Iron Islands are a group of islands off the west coast of Westeros. They are known for their fierce warriors and seafaring culture. The Greyjoys are the ruling family of the Iron Islands.

The Riverlands

The Riverlands are a fertile region located in the center of Westeros. The Tullys are the ruling family of the Riverlands, with their seat of power at Riverrun.

The Vale of Arryn

The Vale of Arryn is a mountainous region located in the east of Westeros. It is ruled by House Arryn, with their seat of power at the Eyrie.

The Westerlands

The Westerlands are a region located in the west of Westeros. They are known for their vast wealth, thanks to the abundance of gold and silver mines in the mountains. The Lannisters are the ruling family of the Westerlands.

The Reach

The Reach is a fertile region located in the south of Westeros. It is known for its bountiful harvests and is ruled by House Tyrell.


Dorne is a desert region located in the south of Westeros. It is ruled by House Martell and is known for its unique culture and fierce independence.


The map of Westeros is an essential tool for understanding the world of ASOIAF. It provides a detailed look at the geography of the world and helps to establish the complex political landscape. Whether you are a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer, the map of Westeros is sure to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the world of ASOIAF.

Question and Answer

Q: Is the map of Westeros accurate?

A: While the map of Westeros is incredibly detailed, it is not entirely accurate. George R.R. Martin intentionally left some things vague in order to allow readers and viewers to use their imaginations and fill in the gaps.

Q: What are the seven kingdoms of Westeros?

A: The seven kingdoms of Westeros are The North, The Iron Islands, The Riverlands, The Vale of Arryn, The Westerlands, The Reach, and Dorne.

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